13278637-To Do – iOS Swift App.zip

To Do – iOS Swift App


VIDEO PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/VmtNR_iwLfs

This is a simple yet nice to do app fully coded. It allows the user to create new tasks, sort them by using drag and drop gestures, delete them by swiping over them and even set them as completed by double tapping them.


– iPhone & iPad support: Works on any model of this family of devices.

– Flat design: It has a flat design matching current web design trends.?

– Easy customization: Using the Storyboard, it is easy to change colors and fonts.

– Use of Storyboard: In order to provide a visual reference and speed up development.

– Clean & commented code: The code tries to be as basic as possible and there are comments on the most important parts.

– Auto resize with all devices: The UI adapts itself using NSConstraints and shows or hides certain elements to fit all screens.

– Animated: Certain elements are animated in order to bring a nice feeling on the app.

– Gesture based: Delete, set as completed and sort tasks using common gestures.



– Updated to swift 4 and adapted to iPhone X

– Google AdMob support added

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13278637-To Do – iOS Swift App.zip