21517442-WooCommerce – amoCRM – Integration | WooCommerce – amoCRM – Интеграция.zip

WooCommerce – amoCRM – Integration | WooCommerce – amoCRM – Интеграция



WooСommerce amoCRM Integration is a amoCRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your WooСommerce orders directly to your amoCRM account. After the integration, created the orders are automatically added as lead to the specified account in amoCRM, together with additional data.

Online documentation – English


  • Integrate your `WooСommerce` orders with amoCRM.
  • Integrate your `WooСommerce` customers with amoCRM.
  • Creation of the lead, occurs together with the creation / binding of the contact and company. (if their fields are filled).
  • Custom fields are loaded from the CRM.
  • Sending data about the products in order to the lead (in note).
  • Supports “Products” in amoCRM (if work with “Products” is enabled in your account, the plugin will automatically create products in the list and attach them to the lead).
  • Supports for sending order status changes.
  • Supports for getting order status changes from CRM (via webhook amoCRM – work with webhooks is available in amoCRM at plans starting from `Advanced`).
  • Support creating task to lead.
  • Supports for `utm` params in `URL` to use.
  • Supports for `roistat_visit` cookie to use.
  • Supports for `GA Client ID` cookie to use.
  • Multiple pipeline support.
  • Bulk order sending capability.
  • Image previews.
  • Super easy to set-up!

Important notes:

  • The plugin requires a minimum 3.* `WooCommerce` version.

How do I get updates?

For information about the new version and the installation of updates, you can use the plugin from Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.


WooСommerce amoCRM Интеграция это плагин интеграции с amoCRM для WordPress, который позволит вам легко отправить ваши WooCommerce заказы в ваш amoCRM аккаунт. После интеграции, создаваемые заказы будут автоматически добавлены, как сделка в указанном аккаунте amoCRM, вместе с дополнительными данными.

Онлайн документация – Русский


  • Интегрирует `WooCommerce` заказы с amoCRM.
  • Интегрирует `WooCommerce` клиентов с amoCRM.
  • Создание сделки происходит вместе с созданием / привязкой контакта и компании. (если поля заполнены)
  • Пользовательские поля загружаются из CRM.
  • Отправка данных о товарах из заказа в сделку (в примечании).
  • Поддерживает “Товары” в amoCRM (если работа с “Товары” включена в вашем аккаунте, то плагин будет автоматически создавать товары в списке и привязывать их к сделке).
  • Поддержки отправки изменений статуса заказа.
  • Поддержка получения изменения статуса заказа из CRM (через вебхук amoCRM – работа с вебхуками доступна в amoCRM на планах начиная с “Расширенный”).
  • Поддержка создания задачи по сделке.
  • Поддержка `utm` параметров `URL`.
  • Поддержка `roistat_visit` cookie для использования.
  • Поддержка `GA Client ID` cookie для использования.
  • Поддержка нескольких воронок.
  • Возможность ручной массовой отправки заказов.
  • Изображения для предпросмотра.
  • Очень легко настраивается!


  • Для работы плагина требуется плагин `WooCommerce` версии не ниже 3.*

Как получать обновления?

Для информации о новой версии и установки обновлений, вы можете использовать плагин от Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.

== Changelog ==

= 1.24.0 =
Feature: reset fields cache by button without cron.

= 1.23.4 =
Chore: use composer autoloader.
Chore: show only deal stages in select.
Fixed: the menu item is not displayed when using `Admin Menu Editor`.
Fixed: if a responsible person is assigned for the deal, then assign it to the task.
Feature: support for processing any meta order values (value must be written before the order is sent to crm).

= 1.22.3 =
Fixed: if a responsible person is assigned for the deal, then assign it to the contact.
Chore: ability to override the log file path.
Chore: the list of users id is displayed next to the field of the responsible.
Feature: multiple responsible user.

= 1.21.0 =
Feature: new filter `itglx_wcamo_lead_fields`.
Chore: more logs.
Feature: show item meta data in note.

= 1.19.2 =
Chore: sku added to product list in note.
Chore: more logs.
Feature: added new tag - [order_product_titles_list].

= 1.18.0 =
Feature: support amoCRM products.

= 1.17.0 =
Feature: added new tag - [order_product_cat_name_list].

= 1.16.1 =
Fixed: check whether the order was sent to CRM.

= 1.16.0 =
Feature: added the ability to log (disabled by default).

= 1.15.2 =
Fixed: handling deleted products when sending orders.

= 1.15.1 =
Fixed: getting real payment method title.
Fixed: using the delivery date from the plugin `Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce`.

= 1.15.0 =
Feature: using the delivery date from the plugin `Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce`.

= 1.14.2 =
Fixed: contact processing.

= 1.14.1 =
Fixed: getting the list of fields on the settings page.

= 1.14.0 =
Feature: added new tag - [order_product_sku_list].
Feature: added new tag - [order_product_titles_by_product_cat_:cat_id].

= 1.13.0 =
Feature: deal creation date is the order creation date.
Feature: added new tag - [order_create_date].

= 1.12.1 =
Chore: added new tag - [shipping_method_title].

= 1.12.0 =
Feature: populate the value of the select and multiselect field from the form field (lead).

= 1.11.2 =
Feature: using the delivery date from the plugin `Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce (Lite version)`.

= 1.11.1 =
Fixed: create task process.
Fixed: missed required task field.

= 1.11.0 =
Feature: creating a task for a deal.
Feature: sending the name of the payment method in a note.

= 1.10.1 =
Fixed: the name of the shipping method with zero cost was not sent.
Fixed: compatibility with `Woocommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife`.

= 1.10.0 =
Feature: added new tag - [order_admin_edit_link].
Feature: ability add a link to the order on the site in the note.

= 1.9.0 =
Feature: ability create companies.

= 1.8.0 =
Feature: ability to delete orders when deleting a lead.
Feature: ability to specify one contact id for all leads.

= 1.7.0 =
Feature: compatibility with `WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor`.
Feature: compatibility with `WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons`.
Feature: the ability to disable contact updates.

= 1.6.0 =
Feature: Bulk sending orders to CRM.

= 1.5.0 =
Feature: Getting lead status changes from CRM (via webhook amoCRM).

= 1.4.1 =
Feature: Support for `GA Client ID`.
Fixed: compatibility with `Booster for WooCommerce` custom checkout fields.
Fixed: compatibility with `WP Crowdfunding`.

= 1.4.0 =
Feature: Updating the data in an existing contact.
Feature: Create / update a contact when user registering / updates profile information.

= 1.3.0 =
Feature: The name of the deal can be specified by a template.
Feature: Added new tags - [order_number] [first_product_title] [payment_method_title].

= 1.2.0 =
Feature: Support for sending status changes.

= 1.1.0 =
Feature: Support sending cookie `roistat_visit` to CRM.

= 1.0.0 =
Initial public release

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21517442-WooCommerce – amoCRM – Integration | WooCommerce – amoCRM – Интеграция.zip