CodeCanyon-20109686-Facebook Live

Facebook Live Videos


This Joomla System plugin can automatically embed live videos of your Facebook page (or any public Facebook page) on your Joomla site whenever you (or anyone) go live on Facebook page.

This plugin will detect if the Facebook page is currently live and embeds that live video automatically. In case the Facebook page does not have any live stream at the moment, this plugin also provide the ability to embed previously videos or uploaded videos of the Facebook page.

What can it do?

  1. Ability to create Embed code (Joomla shortcode call) for your (or any public) Facebook page. Use the embed code anywhere in content of your website (articles, modules etc). Whenever the page goes live, the live video will automatically get embedded in the content where the code is placed.
  2. Ability to create Embed code for previously recorded live videos of your (or any public) Facebook page. Use the embed code anywhere in content of your website (articles, modules etc). Recent live videos of the page will be embedded in the content where the code is placed.
  3. Ability to enter Max Number of Videos to be embedded. There is no limit.
  4. Ability to enter custom alternate message to communicate with visitors when the facebook page is not live.
  5. Ability to enter custom alternate message to communicate with visitors when no recent live video is available.
  6. Ability to enter custom width of the video player.
  7. Ability to enter custom height of the video player.
  8. Ability to set style for the video player.
  9. Ability to use same embed code at multiple places on your website.
  10. Ability to use multiple embed codes within single article of Joomla Articles or single item of K2 or any CCK

Important: Because of the misuse of people’s data, Facebook just has changed their API’s policy. Please refer this, you will need to have an active application.

Facebook Live Videos CHANGELOGS

Facebook Live Videos Version 3.3 • 2018.01.22

+ Fixed: JSON Data error.

Facebook Live Videos Version 3.0 • 2017.11.07

+ Fixed: Display the number of old videos.

Facebook Live Videos Version 2.0 • 2017.08.28

+ Added: option to set style for video displayer.
+ Added: 1 more method to try to get live videos or live broadcasts.

Facebook Live Videos Version 1.0 • 2017.06.22

+ The first release.

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20109686-Facebook Live