10789725-Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins.zip

Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins


The Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins extension allows you to quickly add newsletter opt-in option for any Ninja Form.


  • Supports unlimited number of custom MailChimp Merge Tags.
  • Supports MailChimp List Groups (only “As checkboxes” option).
  • Each form can have unique subscriber list.
  • Option to enable or disable double opt-in.
  • First name and last name will be submitted to MailChimp if fields are present in the form.
  • Includes actions for subscribing and unsubscribing users to/from mailing list.

MailChimp List Groups

Groups are special MailChimp list fields that allows categorizing subscribers’ interests or preferences. Currently Ninja Forms MailChimp Optins supports only “as checkboxes” option allowing multiple interest selections within single group.

MailChimp Merge Tags

Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins supports custom MailChimp merge tags. Merge tags could be used to populate personalized or dynamic content in your newsletter campaigns, response emails, and automation workflows. If you not yet familiar with it, check out getting started guide on mailchimp.com.


* New: Added unsubscribe action.
* Updated: Added API key and MailChimp list ID validation when submitting the form.
* Updated: Other small bug fixes and improvements.

* New: Added MailChimp Interest Groups support (checkboxes only).
* Updated: Small bug fixes.

* New: Added basic Ninja Forms Three (NF3) support.
* New: Added option to send user's browser language and IP address to MailChimp.
* New: Improved automated updates set up.
* Updated: Upgraded MailChimp API to v3 (only for Ninja Forms 3.x add-on version).

* Updated: Small bug fixes.
* Updated: New documentation template.

* New: Added option to select default checkbox state (enabled, dissabled).
* Updated: Plugin licensing details updated.

* New: Added support for custom MailChimp Merge Tags!
* Updated: Issue where MailChimp double opt-in always enabled was fixed.
* Updated: Documentation updated (including new section on MailChimp Merge Tags).
* Updated: Plugin name changed to Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins.

* New: Initial release

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10789725-Ninja Forms MailChimp Opt-ins.zip