25830515-Numbers Flood.zip

Numbers Flood


Here is the most addictive numbers game

App preview video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HaJ9RC7kKUrWSvIqyQ1dkaJMsjeuhW1v/view?usp=sharing


1. Tutorial guide for game

2. Three modes to play game

3. Rate app

4. Google interstitial ads to earn money

5. Separate configurable code

Numbers Flood - 1

Try Now!! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you in time.

Hope you enjoy this application and your feedback will be appreciated.

if you would like to add or remove any functionality, I would love to do that for you with some extra efforts.

Thanks For visiting and Using it !


Download Links :
25830515-Numbers Flood.zip