2816520-Arcade Management System.zip

Arcade Management System


Important notification

Arcade Management System has thus far been connected to Mochi Media, which is a flash game catalogue. It was announced on March 14 that Mochi Media would be shutting down on March 31, 2014. This means that Arcade Management System will no longer be able to automatically fetch games from Mochi Media to your site.

Arcade Management System will still support adding games manually, though.

See the following link for more information: http://mochiland.com/articles/mochi-media-winding-down-services-end-date-of-3-31-2014

Websites powered by Arcade Management System

If you want your site to be listed here then send us an e-mail with a link to your website.


You can learn more about Arcade Management system from the documentation. It is also included in your download.

Arcade Management System also supports multiple languages and custom themes. You can read more about that from the documentation linked above. There’s also a custom 404 page, here’s an example.

For now, you can view the administration in the screenshots but there will be a link to an administration demo with some actions disabled in the description once we’re done working on it.

If you like our work and would like to see more from us then please don’t forget to rate Arcade Management System - 1.


How to update?

Download the script and overwrite the files you previously had. Note that some changes you make to the code may be overwritten. Follow the documentation when translating or re-designing the site to avoid complications.

Update 1.2.0 (March 15, 2014)

Added the option to use the "post game to my site" feature on Mochi Media

You can read about how to enable this feature in the documentation.

Update 1.1.7 (November 1, 2013)

Fixed the language library for PHP 5.5.*
Fixed sessions for certain server configurations

1.1.6 (April 23, 2013)

Prevented the dress up category from being selected at all times.

Update 1.1.6 note

If you have translated the script and created additional language folders, you will have to edit line 91 in your app.yml file. Change the “dress-up” key to “dress_up”.

1.1.5 (April 18, 2013)

Fixed navigation icons in administration
Added stripslashes to index/outbox in messages

1.1.4 (March 20, 2013)

Automatically hosting games will now also host the thumbnails

1.1.3 (February 10, 2013)

Actually gave the Administrator group access to the administration
Restricted administrators from page and advertising settings (for owners only)

1.1.2 (October 26, 2012)

Fixed the dress-up category as Mochi Media changed it from "Dress Up" to "Dress-Up" 
Temporarily removed the last actions page from administration until it is stable

1.1.1 (October 20, 2012)

Fixed latest actions page in administration

1.1.0 hotfix (October 17, 2012)

Updated fetching because of changes made by Mochi Media

1.1.0 (October 13, 2012)

Fixed bulk deleting and editing in the administration panel

1.0.9 hotfix (October 5, 2012)

Fixed the initial blank screen error on some (windows?) hosts

1.0.9 (September 11, 2012)

Re-inserted a file that was missing from the latest version

1.0.8 (September 8, 2012)

Fixed the trash and last actions in administration
Umlauts and diacritics are now allowed everywhere in language files

1.0.6 (September 6, 2012)

No more NULL games in the database

1.0.4 (August 19, 2012)

magic_quotes_gpc enabled no longer causes any problems

1.0.3 (August 16, 2012)

You can now correctly set ad codes when magic quotes are enabled in PHP 5.3

1.0.2 (August 16, 2012)

Optionally automatically host games fetched from Mochi Media
mod_rewrite is not required

1.0.1 (August 14, 2012)

PHP 5.3 compability fix
nginx support added
Blank search doesn't return a not found page



Home page with latest actions
Manage advertisements
Enable or disable game categories
Manage featured games
Adding games manually or fetching from Mochi Media
Host games (downloads fetched game)
Editing/deleting games and users
Multiple editing
Five different user groups
Promoting users to moderator or admin
Banning users
Trash bin from where you can restore deleted units


Sort by category and order by statistics
Search for games by name or keywords
Rate, comment and add games to favourites
Integrated Mochi Media leaderboard
Featured and spotlighted games


Points and level system
Profile page with friends, favourites and statistics
Rating and commenting users
Send and recieve private messages
Each user gets a unique avatar (identicon) that can be changed

User Settings

Upload new avatar
Change password and e-mail
Edit description

Points & Levels

Every user starts out as level 1 upon registration. They can earn experience and levels through various actions:

  • 1 point for playing a game they haven’t played before
  • 1 point for commenting a user or game
  • 1 point for rating a user or game
  • 1 point for receiving a rating
  • 25 points for referring a user

When a user plays a game with the leaderboard enabled and submits a score, the user gets as many points as the number of other players (s)he beat. For example, if a user ranks third in a game that has 10 score submissions, the user receives 7 points.

To reach level 2, a user has to earn 50 points. As the level increments, so does the amount of points needed to reach the next level by 50. On the users page, you can order users by how many points they’ve collected in a certain time period. Each user can also see how they rank on the sidebar.

User Groups

  1. Owner: the first account you create during setup; has all the privileges
  2. Administrator: has access to the administration, but cannot view the Settings nor Advertisements tabs
  3. Moderator: cannot access the administration, but has privileges on the site (deleting comments)
  4. User: doesn’t have any special privileges, this is the default group
  5. Banned: cannot log in to the site



  1. PHP 5.3
  2. A database with the PHP PDO extension enabled


  1. Upload the downloaded files on a web hosting of your choice
  2. Give write permissions to /cache/ and /public/db/ folders using an FTP client or a file browser your hosting provides (usually chmod 755 or 777 if that doesn’t work)
  3. Open your browser and navigate to the site
  4. You should see the Arcade database setup page (screenshot)

Database setup

  1. Driver: your database type (most commonly MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  2. Host: the database server host (usually, if not, consult your hosting)
  3. Username, password: database user and password that your host should provide
  4. Database: name of the database you want to use
  5. Prefix: this will be prepended to all of the table names that the script creates in the database, this is useful if you only have one database and use it for multiple sites

Once you finish the database setup, you will be prompted to create a user account. The account you create now is the most privileged user on the site, it has access to the administration and can create other administrators. Once you finish this step, you’ll be on the home page logged in as the owner.

There’s more information available in the documentation.

Download Links :
2816520-Arcade Management System.zip