This script could be a fundamental part of almost any website. It consists of three parts: the map component (javascript), the form component (javascript) and the back-end php script that sends the actual email. Any of these three components could be used separately.

Feature List

  1. A map of any size powered by the google maps API.
  2. The map is automatically centered on a desired address.
  3. A pointer is added to the desired address along with an information box listing important contact data (any HTML is possible here).
  4. An Ajax-Based contact form secured against SPAM bots.
  5. Built in input validation (with visual aids based on Human Computer Interfaces research).
  6. Defensive “Submit” button.
  7. Initially designed for Prototype.js, but hell yes, a JQuery Version is also included!

Version 1.1, released 28.03.2010

  1. Email address validation by JS

Version 1.2, released 24.04.2010

  1. Added JQuery Support

Version 1.3, released 24.02.2014

  1. Supports Google Maps V3
  2. Supports Latests JQuery

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