CodeCanyon-12627897-WHMCS Firewall

WHMCS Firewall Module


WHMCS Firewall Demo:

u = v602whmcsFIREWALLdemo

p = v602demoPassword

What is WHMCS Firewall?

It is a web application firewall, intrusion detection system, offers secure backups (Amazon S3 and Dropbox), automated alerting, auditing and more WHMCS Security addon to protect your WHMCS billing and customer management system.

Why purchase our WHMCS Security module?

Our WHMCS Firewall module provides security, auditing and SECURE offsite backup features that are not included in WHMCS.

WHMCS provides very powerful server automation, billing and customer management but it lacks advanced security options. We have used WHMCS for many years and do not plan on switching so we just decided to solve the security part on our own and are now making our security module available to other WHMCS users.

If you care about protecting the system that powers your billing, server automation, client support, company reputation, etc. then purchase our Security module. No hard sale here.. Either you care about security or you don’t

Is WHMCS Firewall compatible with WHMCS v6?

Yes, compatible with WHMCS 5.x and 6.x (Select your correct version during checkout)

What features are included in WHMCS Firewall?

The WHMCS Firewall module adds the following security features to WHMCS.

Web Application Firewall + IDS – Htaccess based firewall, pre-loaded rules and notifications to keep you updated on the latest threats to your WHMCS website.

Amazon S3 Backups – Allows secure offsite backups (manual or scheduled) to your Amazon S3 file storage account. – MAJOR

Dropbox Backups – Allows secure offsite backups (manual or scheduled) to your linked Dropbox account. – MAJOR

As you already know, insecure FTP and Email are the only two current WHMCS backup options. S3 is the preferred route and we give you a step by step tutorial on how to setup your S3 bucket and permissions.

File Auditing – Know when your Core WHMCS files or any files under your WHMCS installation change. – MAJOR

Settings Auditing – Alerted when key WHMCS settings change which can be signs of a silent hack.

Admin Auditing – Alerted when admin details change (including password hash) or a new admin is added or existing admin removed.

Products Auditing – Alerted when products are added, edited or removed. Such as price change and ability to “RollBack” any incorrect edits.

Payment Gateway Auditing – Alerted when payment gateways are added, edited (IMPORTANT) or removed. And ability to “RollBack” any changes.

Addons Auditing – Alerted when addons are added, edited or removed. Such as price and ability to “RollBack” any incorrect changes.

Cloudflare Integration – Link to your Cloudflare account via API to instantly sync WHMCS banning and auto-expire actions to your entire Cloudflare network. > SWEET

Autoban Honey Pot – Hackers check certain WHMCS urls first. Such as /admin/ Knowing this you can Autoban from WHMCS and optionally sync that Autoban to Cloudflare. > Getting excited yet??

Customized Reporting – Silence specific security alerts, customize which admins or custom emails and how often you receive security alerts.

Whitelist modules – Concerned that one of your existing modules may be affected by the security rules added by this module? First, it will likely not (99.99%). Second, Whitelist the module using our Addon module scanner and whitelist feature. (Yes, we did think of just about everything)

24/7 Support – You are not a Security expert, you are a business owner with things to do, servers to fix and customer support tickets to answer. We are here to help 24/7. You focus on growing your business – we will focus on keeping your WHMCS secure.

Actively Maintained – Online threats, WHMCS, LAMP and many other factors change frequently. Rest assured we actively update our security module. “Update Available” feature also built in.

Many more features – There are too many features of WHMCS Firewall to list. After you purchase you will have full access to the WHMCS Firewall User’s guide located at

Like I said, we Love and have used WHMCS for many years. We created this security module for internal use and it has worked great. We have now decided to release it for public sale so other WHMCS users can benefit and protect themselves with the added security provided by our WHMCS Firewall Addon.

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12627897-WHMCS Firewall